Dharav High School, Jaipur bid a heartfelt farewell to the outgoing batch of Class 12 2024-25 on Friday, December 20, 2024. The function, Rukhsat 2024-25, organized by the students of Class XI, was a memorable event that celebrated the students’ journey and achievements.
The ceremony began with welcoming the students with the tradition of tilak followed by ceremonial lamp lighting. Addressing the students the school Principal, Ms Ritu Sharma, praised the students for their hard work, dedication, and contributions to the school. She called upon them to be able to give back to the society.
The students were then felicitated with specially designed mementos, and gifts as a token of appreciation. The highlight of the event was the cultural program presented by the students of Class XI, which included songs and dances. The performances were entertaining, energetic, and specially tailored for the outgoing students.
The students were visibly emotional as they shared their experiences, memories, and gratitude towards their teachers, peers, and the school. The farewell speeches by the Student Council Heads, Daksh Shoora and Nehal Malik, and Sarthak Agarwal and Aradhya Tank were particularly poignant, as they reflected on the batch’s journey and the lessons learned. The event concluded with a photo session, where the outgoing students were posed with their teachers, and peers.
As the students departed, they carried with them cherished memories, valuable lessons, and a sense of accomplishment. The school wishes them all the very best for their future endeavors and hopes that they will remain connected to their alma mater.